Custom Hydroponic Systems
Design, Fabrication and
We design custom hydroponic systems
scaled for your home, business, or
restaurant. While there are many
hydroponic technologies available, our
stress is on designing systems that are
easily maintainable and designed for ease
of plant replacement. Especially where the
look of the planted system is important
(as in a restaurant for instance) the
presentation is as important as the yield.
This means that herbs, vegetables, and
flowers at the end of their productive
cycle must be easy to remove and easy to
replace. Note that with our hydroponic
systems there is exceptional yield
compared with conventional soil based
(i.e. raised-bed) systems.
We design and fabricate two different
types of hydroponic system. We prefer drip
hydroponic systems for interior
applications and flood and drain
technology for outside hydroponic units.
Custom Self-Contained Indoor Drip
Hydroponic System
This technology is similar to that used
extensively in commercial hydroponic herb
and vegetable production. Plants are
contained in plastic pots with inert media
or individually in large rockwool "cubes".
Nutrient is periodically delivered via
pressurized drip tubes to each plant.
Between nutrient feedings, the inert media
supporting each plant partially dries
allowing oxygen to reach the roots. Thus
the plants receive optimal nutrition while
being maintained in a high oxygen
environment. The technology is very
flexible as the plants can be fed with
nutrient solutions tailored to the
vegetative and flowering stages of growth.
This technology is ideally suited for
indoor growing systems.
The system can be provided in a variety
of materials and sizes and can be
fabricated as modular units. Shown below
is a self-contained drip unit in Icelandic
Birch Ply suitable for a restaurant or
interior application. As shown, the unit
can grow herbs (such as basil, lettuces,
arugula, chard, chilies, and flowers such
as marigolds and portulacas.
custom drip hydroponic system
for an interior patio or
restaurant. (28"h x 12"w x 36"w.
lighting extendable 30" above
unit) |
of drip irrigation system with
nutrient delivery to
individual potted lettuces
of internal drip tray with
nutrient delivery tubes
showing delivery manifold
Custom Indoor Drip Hydroponic System
Structural treatment: Icelandic birch
ply with acrylic nutrient drip tray (shown).
Can be fabricated in other materials.
Finish: To customer's specifications
Size: to customer specifications
Nutrient Pumping System: submersible
pump feeding valved delivery manifold to
accommodate individual plant pots.
Nutrient Delivery System: drip
nutrient delivery
Lighting System: T-5 fluorescent
lighting with height adjustment to
accommodate height of plants
Timing System: separate timers for
lighting and pump
Plant Containers: 4" to 6" plastic
pots with rockwool and ceramic pellet media
Nutrient Reservoir: 3-1/2 gal with
depth indicator and low-level pump shutoff.
Please contact us from our contact
page for further information
and availability as of 2022..
Custom Flood and Drain Nutrient
Delivery System
We can fabricate a modular flood and
drain system for an outdoor installation.
The system consists of one or more flood
basins with inlet and drain ports. The
basins are pump-fed intermittently from an
external nutrient tank. The flood basins
are designed to accommodate potted plants
(vegetables, herbs, flowers) in individual
plastic pots each containing inert support
media. During nutrient flow, nutrient is
wicked into the pots, thereby feeding each
plant. This technique is very effective in
supplying the nutrients that the plants
need while allowing for root aeration
during periods between successive
Custom Outdoor Flood and Drain
Hydroponic System Specifications:
Structural basin(s) support: variety
of materials depending on look desired
Size of individual flood basin: 10"
wide x 40" long x 5" high with inlet and
return plumbing
Nutrient Pumping System: submersible
pump feeding valved manifold supplying
Nutrient Delivery System: flood and
drain delivery
Lighting : sun
Timing System: pump timer
Plant Containers:4" to 6" plastic
pots with rockwool and ceramic pellet media
Nutrient Reservoir: sized for number
of flood basins required (depth indicator
Flood and Drain system with one
flood basin and welded steel
support structure.
Please contact us from our contact
page for further information
and availability as of 2022.
 Click to see our ready-made
kits and accessories