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More Pictures of the The Floating Garden Hydroponic Garden Kit

growing petunias
growing petunias to add color to your patio while demonstrating vigorous hydroponic growth in the Floating Garden (Vine Support removed and shown without white horticultural sheeting)
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lettuce showing vigorous root growth Floating Garden growing leaf lettuce
Leaf lettuce showing vigorous root growth in our aerated Floating Garden Hydroponic Garden. Woman's hand gives an idea of the size of one of the lettuce plants grown in the kit.
Three leaf lettuce plants growing in the Floating Garden Hydroponic Garden. One of these plants is shown in the left picture after a number of cuttings for salads. (Vine Support removed and shown without white horticultural sheeting)
cherry tomato varieties in floating garden with vine support stand Cherry tomatoes in Floating Garden with vine support stand growing cucumbers
Floating Garden growing Sweet Million and Japanese pear cherry tomato varieties in our Combo Kit with our movable vine support stand. Vines are shown after 1-1/2 months growth from bedding plant size. There are approximately 150 tomatoes (green) on the vines. (2010)
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Another Floating Garden Combo Kit growing Sweet Million and Sun Gold cherry tomato varieties with our movable vine support stand. Vines are shown after 1-1/2 months growth from bedding plant size. There are approximately 100 tomatoes (green) on the vines. (2010)
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Floating Garden with Vine support stand  illustrating its portability
Floating Garden illustrating its portability. It is easily moved (without disturbing the vines) via handles at the sides of the Floating Garden. (Shown without white horticultural sheeting)
Sweet Million cherry tomato variety before ripening detail of sweet million tomatoes growing in the  Floating Garden
Developing Sweet Million cherry tomato variety growing in the Floating Garden with vine support (shown above)
Developing Sweet Million cherry tomato variety growing in the Floating Garden with vine support (shown above)
floating garden with vine support stand Floating Garden with vine support stand growing cucumbers
Floating Garden Combo Kit growing Better Boy VFN tomatoes. Nineteen tomatoes in various stages of ripeness were growing when this photo was taken. Several had been picked prior to this photo. (Shown without white horticultural sheeting)
Floating Garden Combo Kit growing cucumbers. Two weeks later the vines filled the support structure with leaves and cucumbers.(Shown without white horticultural sheeting)
developing big boy tomatoes in the floating arden with vine support stand above Japanese cucumber growing in the floating garden
Developing better boy VFN hybrid tomatoes growing in the Floating Garden Combo Kit with vine support stand shown directly above.
Developing Japanese cucumber growing in the Floating Garden Combo Kit with vine support stand about two weeks after the above was taken.
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